Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders In the 2020 Census

Why is the census important?

The decennial census is the most inclusive civic activity in our country, covering every person in every household. The U.S. Constitution requires an accurate count of the nation’s population every 10 years. Moreover, the census is integral to our democracy. The data collected affect our nation’s ability to ensure equal representation and equal access to important governmental and private sector resources for all Americans, including across racial and ethnic lines. Census results are used to allocate seats and draw district lines for the U.S. House of Representatives, state legislatures, and local boards; to target more than $800 billion annually in federal assistance to states, localities, and families; and to guide community decision-making affecting schools, housing, health care services, business investment, and much more. These functions depend on a fair and accurate census.

Unfortunately, certain population groups – referred to as “hard-to-count” – are at a higher risk of not being fully counted in the census. Some of these groups have been historically underrepresented in the census for decades; some may experience new or increased vulnerability due to major changes in methodology, such as relying on the internet as the primary way for households to respond to the 2020 Census; and some may be reluctant to respond due to concerns about data confidentiality. Being hard-to-count can lead to unequal political representation and unequal access to vital public and private resources for these groups and their communities.

Asian American and NHPI households are at risk of being undercounted.

Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPIs) have been undercounted for decades, disadvantaging their families, communities, and neighborhoods. Today, roughly one in five Asian Americans live in hard-to-count census tracts, along with one third of NHPIs. Some Asian American and NHPI communities are especially at risk of being missed. They have greater challenges in finding stable and affordable housing, have higher incidences of poverty and unemployment and lower educational attainment, and encounter greater language barriers than other subgroups within this broad race category. Furthermore, the Asian American and NHPI communities are very diverse, and overall statistics can easily mask the characteristics and challenges facing subgroups.

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