Educational Equity Toolkit

Since 2010, states across the country have taken an important first step towards greater equity. More than 40 states have adopted new, high and consistent standards to raise the bar for what each student should know and be able to do by the end of each grade so they can graduate college- and career-ready. If implemented with the necessary, equitable resources and support, these rigorous standards can improve education for all students.

Since every child is being asked to meet higher standards, states and school districts have an obligation to provide every resource necessary to teachers, schools, and parents so that children meet those standards. Parents and local leaders must be at the forefront of advocating for equity and holding school systems accountable to ensuring every child graduates college- and career-ready.

This toolkit was created to educate, equip, encourage and empower you to advocate for greater education equity in your local community. It is designed to be used in conjunction with The Leadership Conference Education Fund’s Grassroots Campaigns & Advocacy Toolkit.

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