Civil Rights News: ACLU Sues Morgan Stanley for Predatory Lending; Minority Kids Disproportionately Disciplined; Encouraging Girls in STEM Fields

Compiled by Joe Bear, a Fall 2012 Leadership Conference Education Fund Intern

ACLU to Sue Morgan Stanley Over Mortgage Loans
New York Times
By Jessica Silver-Greenberg

The ACLU is filing a lawsuit against Morgan Stanley, claiming that they disproportionately targeted African Americans for subprime mortgages. The suit accuses Morgan Stanley of violating the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The ACLU will seek class-action certification for the plaintiffs. This case follows several others against financial institutions in the wake of the housing market crash.

Unequal Discipline: Minority Students More Likely to be Reported to Police
Chicago Tribune
By Diane Rado

Data from Chicago Public Schools show that African-American and Latino students receive disproportionately high discipline at school. For instance, students of different races or ethnicities committing the same offense are often punished differently, with Black students usually being punished most severely. The data also show that African-American and Latino students are much more likely to be referred to the police. School and district officials say they are committed to lowering the disparity but little has actually been done thus far.

Teaching for the Future: Steering Girls to Science
USA Today
By Mary Beth Marklein

Although more women graduate from college than men, far fewer women go into the higher-paying science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, which have historically been dominated by men. The National Center for Women & IT, however, has been partnering with different organizations to encourage more girls and women to go into fields like computer science and engineering. The center tries to open up opportunities for girls in these fields through programs like science workshops and networking. The center also stresses the importance of promoting diversity within scientific professions.