Civil Rights News: For-Profit Colleges Not Profitable for Students, DADT Veteran’s Benefits, Kids’ Health Care State Disparity

New Data Shows Students At For-Profit Colleges Twice As Likely To Default On Loans
The Huffington Post

The Department of Education released new data today indicating a grim financial situation for students of for-profit colleges. The data revealed that more than 25 percent of students defaulted on their loans within a three year period, more than twice the rate of students at non-profit institutions. These findings will contribute to an already hostile political environment for for-profit schools, who face public scrutiny over their questionable graduation and gainful employment rates.

Lawmakers Press Pentagon To Give Veterans’ Benefits To Service Members Discharged Under DADT
The Huffington Post

Several Democratic senators are pressuring the Defense Department to allow honorable-discharge status for all service members discharged under “don’t ask, don’t tell.” This status allows service members to qualify for veterans’ benefits.
According to the U.S. military’s independent news source, Stars and Stripes, “Troops with other-than-honorable dismissals can apply for health care related to service-connected injuries, but the department can deny treatment for health issues that develop later in life. They are not eligible for GI Bill benefits, and may be refused veterans home loans.”

California Ranks Near Bottom in Kids’ Heath Care
San Francisco Chronicle

A study conducted by the Commonwealth Fund found that the quality of children’s healthcare is drastically impacted by the state in which they live. California was one of lowest scoring states in the study, specifically for low- and middle- income families. States that scored the lowest also included Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Mississippi and Nevada. Children were most likely to have quality coverage in top-ranking states: Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Hawaii. The study was released before President Obama reauthorized the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. This program would essentially provide coverage to an additional 4 million children in America.

Compiled by Brianna Deitrich, Jasmine Harley, and Alice Thompson