Civil Rights News: Foreclosure Support Groups, KKK Car Tags

Homeowners Across America Meet To Talk Underwater Mortgages
The Huffington Post

Homeowners facing foreclosures recently met in support-group settings around the country to discuss common challenges. With more than 1 in 4 mortgages worth more than the house itself, these groups organized in New York City, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Philadelphia, and other cities to provide a support network for homeowners facing various difficult decisions, including walking away from mortgages altogether. According to attendee Joel Davis, many of the groups dispersed with a feeling of empowerment. “You just may see us picketing a foreclosure auction sometime soon,” Davis said.

Car Tag Shouldn’t Honor KKK Leader, Critics Say

Civil rights groups condemn proposal to honor Con federate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, an early leader of the Ku Klux Klan, on Mississippi state-issued license plates.