Civil Rights News: Wrongful Foreclosures, Tax the Rich, Obama to Propose Medicare & Medicaid Cuts
One Woman’s Foreclosure Fight: Is Victory In Sight?
Debra Dahlmer, a retired and legally blind middle-aged woman, has been threatened with foreclosure by her bank despite the fact that she has never missed a payment. Dahlmer is just one of what is thought to be thousands of home owners who are being wrongly foreclosed upon.
Taxing the Rich
NY Times
Higher income taxes for the rich would resolve the growing deficit issue, decrease cuts to social spending programs and inspire innovation, argues Nancy Folbre.
White House: Obama to lay out spending plan
President Barack Obama will be proposing spending cuts and deficit reduction for the upcoming fights on the fiscal year 2012 budget and the debt ceiling. Obama is expected to consider cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, the government’s chief health care programs for seniors and low-income people, in a move to appease Republican voters.
Compiled by Alice Thompson, , a Winter/Spring intern