Advocacy Tools for a New Era of Public Safety

We know that you are ready. You’ve been ready.

Our leaders must be held accountable to our communities and rethink public safety. And communities must be in the lead when it comes to designing a system of safety that works for them and their unique circumstances, history, and needs. It takes time, effort, and shared understanding.

First thing’s first. Demand visibility into the process for creating policy change. Be part of a coalition that represents your community and work to make sure your interests, needs, and voices are reflected in negotiations and final policy. If elected officials aren’t listening to you — use social media, public forums, and the press to amplify your message,  your demands, your vision of public safety.

Build a campaign. After identifying the issues you want to push and the decision-makers who you need to persuade, it is time to evaluate your toolbox. Below are a few resources we hope can help get you started.

New Era of Public Safety Toolkit ›

Toolkit Summary ›

Issue Brief: Achieving Police Accountability › 

Sample Social Media Content ›

Splash Statement