Civil Rights News: Labor Secretary Nominee Tom Perez Heads to Full Senate Vote; More Professionals Looking to Join Unions; AZ Sheriff Arpaio Facing Backlash
Compiled by Claire Ross, a Summer 2013 Leadership Conference Intern
“Labor Secretary Nominee Perez Clears Early Hurdle in Confirmation”- Washington Post-May 16th, 2013
Thomas Perez’s nomination to become the next U.S. Secretary of Labor has been cleared to reach the Senate Floor for a vote in the upcoming weeks. Washington Post reporter Josh Hicks noted that The Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee vote of 12-10 along party lines depicts the partisan manner of this particular nomination. Democrats in the Senate, such as Senator Harkin, D., Iowa, applauded Perez on his intellect and leadership in ensuring that labor laws are effectively implemented and “that every American has a fair opportunity to pursue the American dream.” However, many Republican members have been vehemently opposed to his nomination and have taken strides to block his confirmation, following a pattern obstruction against many Obama administration cabinet and judicial appointments.
“White-collar Workers are turning to Labor Unions”– Los Angeles Times– May 16th, 2013
Labor unions are seeing an increase in membership coming from white-collar professionals, ranging from lawyers to insurance agents to paralegals who share a mutual determination to obtain workers’ rights and greater representation within their fields of work. Los Angeles Times reporter Alana Semuels discusses how in recent years these white-collar workers have dealt with lower salaries, longer hours, and frequent layoffs as a result of the staggering economy. These factors, like never before, have prompted many unions to rebrand themselves and tailor their methods to address the problems white-collar professionals are facing.
Driver’s Seat- Op-Ed from The New York Times- May 15th, 2013
Controversial Arizona Sheriff Arpaio is now experiencing a backlash because of his extreme position on immigration, and could possibly be on the verge of facing a recall, if recent fundraising letters are any indication. One recipient of these letters was New York Times contributor Linda Greenhouse, who finds humor in these turn of events, given that has been an opponent of these extreme anti-immigration laws. Greenhouse notes the hopeful change in attitudes and tone of immigration reform at both the federal and state level and attributes this change to “the rising power of the Latino vote.”