Civil Rights News: MI Voting Restrictions, Jobs Plan Stalling

Michigan Considers Major New Restrictions on Voting Rights
Scott Keyes- ThinkProgress
Michigan may soon be added to the list of states with severe voting rights restrictions. A new bill is currently going through the legislature that would require photo ID in order to register, place limits on nonprofit organizations that register voters, and require voters to submit completed registration forms 24 hours before the election.

Jobs Plan Stalled, Obama to Try New Economic Drive
Jackie Calmes- New York Times
This week President Obama started a series of “executive-branch actions to confront housing, education, and other economic problems over the coming months.” Obama began this series on Monday in Las Vegas, addressing the need for federally guaranteed mortgages.

Congress defeats jobs bill for second time in two weeks
Brandon Hensley- DailySundial
On Thursday, the Senate voted down a section of the jobs bill that could have potentially supported 37,300 education jobs in California. This part of the bill is designed to provide the most benefit to early childhood and elementary school teachers.

Compiled by Colleen Cowgill