Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Lanches Web Site
The CFPB just launched an amazing Web site,, designed to educate and gather feedback from American consumers. It’s user-friendly, dynamic, easy to understand, and provides a plethora of consumer resources. In an official letter announcing the launch, Elizabeth Warren said:
“In July 2010, Congress created a new federal agency to protect American consumers. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will be a cop on the beat, working to make consumer financial markets work better for American families. As the first new consumer agency of the 21st century, we can communicate directly with the people we serve.”
There’s actually a whole section of the site, “Open for Suggestions,” where you can submit suggestions and ask questions via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and online form submissions. Real employees will then post YouTube responses to the most common ideas and questions they receive. Everyone should get familiar with this Web site and learn more about the Bureau; it was created to benefit all of us.