New Data on HIV and Gay Men of Color

One in five men who have sex with men (MSM) in the 21 major cities in the U.S. has HIV, almost half don’t know they have it.

Men of color who have sex with men are hit particularly hard.  From the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

While MSM of all races and ethnicities were severely affected, black MSM were particularly impacted:  28 percent of black MSM were HIV-infected, compared to 18 percent of Hispanic and 16 percent of white MSM.


“Among racial/ethnic groups, black MSM with HIV were least likely to be aware of their infection (59 percent unaware, vs. 46 percent for Hispanic MSM and 26 percent for white MSM).”


“Among young MSM, young MSM of color were less likely than whites to know they were HIV-infected.  Among HIV-infected black MSM under age 30, 71 percent were unaware of their infection; among HIV-infected Hispanic MSM under age 30, 63 percent were unaware.  This compares to 40 percent of HIV-infected white MSM under age 30.”

(H/T Rod 2.0 Beta)