Study of 2000 Presidential Election Votes in Florida Illustrates Urgent Need for Voting Accessibility, Accuracy

Media 11.14.01

Contact: Robin Kane, Fenton Communications,
202/822-5200, ext. 255



Study of 2000 Presidential Election Votes in Florida
Illustrates Urgent Need for Voting Accessibility, Accuracy

In its final weeks before recess, Congress is considering several bills to address the shortcomings of current voting systems in the U.S. The news consortium study released this week about the 2000 presidential election documented many of these problems, which led to the disenfranchisement of eligible voters. Such voting system inadequacies have a disproportionate impact on people of color and voters with disabilities.

Civil rights organizations will outline solutions to these problems, and urge Congress to enact comprehensive reform this year in order to ensure improvement by the next presidential election.

“Voting is at the core of our democracy,” said Wade Henderson, Executive Director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR). “Congress has an obligation to ensure that voting is fair and accurate for all. Americans are rightly concerned about the new challenges facing our democracy. Our leaders need also to tend to long-standing obstacles to democracy here at home. Meaningful election reform should not be delayed.”

LCCR and other civil rights groups have serious concerns about reports of a proposed measure to be introduced by Reps. Robert Ney (R-OH) and Steny Hoyer (D-MD), believing that it offers an inadequate solution. Instead, these groups support current negotiations in the Senate between Senators Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Christopher Bond (R-MO), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Charles Schumer (D-NY). Hearings and mark-ups on election reform bills are scheduled for the coming days.

WHAT: Press Conference on Election Reform

WHEN: Thursday, November 15th at 10 AM, EST

WHERE: Willard Hotel
Crystal Room
1401 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

WHO: Wade Henderson, Executive Director, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Hilary Shelton, Director Washington Bureau, NAACP
Angela Arboleda, Civil Rights Analyst, National Council of La Raza
Lloyd Leonard, Legislative Director, League of Women Voters
Jim Dickson, Vice President, American Association of Persons with Disabilities
Barbara Arnwine, Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law
Richard Womack, Director, Civil and Human Rights Department, AFL-CIO

The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR) is the nation’s oldest and most diverse civil and human rights coalition with over 180 member organizations representing persons of color, women, children, older persons, labor union members, individuals with disabilities, gays and lesbians, and members of major religious, civil liberties and human rights organizations.