News Conference to Feature Senator Harkin and Individuals Impacted by ‘States’ Rights’ Judicial Nominee Jeffrey Sutton

Media 03.4.03

President Bush’s court-packing plan includes nominating individuals to the federal courts who subscribe to a “states’ rights” philosophy that curtails Congress’s power to enact federal legislation aimed at protecting civil and human rights, providing equal opportunity, and improving the quality of life for all Americans. The nomination of Jeffrey Sutton to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which is currently pending before the Senate, is a prime example of Bush’s court-packing plan.

At a news conference on March 5 at 11:30 am, individuals from around the country, who have been personally impacted by the “states’ rights” advocacy of Jeffrey Sutton, will tell their stories; the broader threat to protecting civil and human rights will also be discussed.

Location: 116 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC

Speakers include:

  • The Honorable Tom Harkin (D-IA), U.S. Senator

  • Ann Rudolph, Chairperson of Westside Mothers, who was denied the right to enforce Medicaid laws so that her children and others could receive appropriate medical care under Medicaid.

  • Patricia Garrett of Alabama, whose employment discrimination claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act was dismissed because her employer was a state entity.

  • Bonnie Sanders, President of South Camden Citizens in Action in New Jersey, whose claim for environmental racism was dismissed after the Supreme Court eliminated individuals’ ability to challenge practices with racially discriminatory effects.

  • Judy Jones of Virginia, whose court victory under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, was erased as a result of a decision preventing age discrimination victims from recovering damages against state employers.

  • Steven Schwartz, Executive Director of the Center for Public Representation, who has litigated a number of cases where state defendants have sought immunity from federal disability and Medicaid laws.
