Henderson Statement on Frist’s No-Compliance Compromise
Washington – In response to Senator Bill Frist’s No-Compromise Compromise on the Nuclear Option, Wade Henderson, Executive Director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the nation’s oldest, largest, and most diverse civil and human rights coalition, released the following statement:
“Just as the White House insists on recycling its unfit and unqualified judicial nominees, so too is Senator Frist recycling his plan to pursue the nuclear option.
Frist’s no-compromise compromise is just a way to momentarily delay breaking the Senate’s rules and throwing checks and balances overboard. It is just a sneakier approach to ramming President Bush’s out-of-the-mainstream judges through the Senate.
Calling a wolf a sheep doesn’t make it a sheep. If it looks like a wolf, growls like a wolf, make no mistake about it, it’s still a wolf. Don’t be fooled, this isn’t even an offer to compromise.”