Civil Rights Coalition Calls on Senate to Stop Alito
The civil rights community applauds the eight senators who stood up to protect Americans’ individual rights and freedoms by voting to oppose the nomination of Samuel Alito to the United States Supreme Court. We are troubled – but, unfortunately, not surprised – by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s party line vote.
Throughout the hearing process, Republican Committee members’ reluctance to challenge Alito’s disturbing civil rights record sent a clear message: they have little interest in, or commitment to, protecting hard-won civil rights gains and ensuring the proper application of those civil rights laws.
Today, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights – speaking on behalf of those whose rights and freedoms are jeopardized by the prospect of a “Justice” Alito – has its own clear message: A vote for Alito is a vote to reverse 40 years of civil rights progress. A vote against Alito is a vote in favor of protecting everyone’s rights and freedoms.
We call on senators to accept nothing less than a full, vigorous, and extended debate of Alito’s troubling record and to vote “no” on his confirmation.
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The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most diverse civil and human rights coalition. See for more information.