LCCR Deplores Senate Judiciary Committee’s Vote on Southwick

Media 08.2.07

Statement of Leadership Conference on Civil Rights President Wade Henderson and Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Vice President Nancy Zirkin.

The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), the nation’s oldest and largest civil and human rights coalition, released the following statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s nomination of Leslie Southwick to the full Senate:

Wade Henderson, LCCR president and CEO, said:  “The committee’s favorable vote for Leslie Southwick’s confirmation is a slap in the face to African Americans and all people of good will.  It belies the committee’s commitment to equal justice under the law and makes a mockery of the judicial confirmation process.”

Nancy Zirkin, LCCR vice president and director of policy, said: “We are taking the extraordinary step of calling for a Senate filibuster of this nominee to restore balance and order and to ensure that Leslie Southwick doesn’t take a seat on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.”