Congress Must Act Now to Extend Unemployment, COBRA Benefits

A deadline for Congress to renew an extension of benefits for the unemployed is fast approaching.  The current program – which provides federal funds to states for extended unemployment benefits and a subsidy that pays for 65 percent of workers’ health insurance under COBRA – is scheduled to expire on February 28.

With the unemployment rate expected to remain in the double digits for the rest of 2010, extending these benefits is crucial. For many Americans, unemployment benefits and the COBRA health care subsidy are the only means of surviving the current economic crisis. To ensure that benefits are extended without disruption, Congress must pass the extension by February 19. If Congress fails to act before that date, it could take up to four months for states to get their programs up and running again once they have been shut down.

The House of Representatives has already passed an extension bill.   The Leadership Conference is working with the National Employment Law Project (NELP) and other organizations to urge the Senate to pass an extension now.  For more information, visit the NELP website.