Advisory: Advocates Rally to Encourage Senators to Oppose Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court

Media 03.20.17

WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, March 21 at 12:30 p.m. EDT, U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) will join advocates calling on the Senate to oppose the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Judge Gorsuch’s decade-long record on the federal bench, as well as his writings, speeches, and activities throughout his career, demonstrate that he is a judge with an agenda. His frequent dissents and concurrences show he is out of the mainstream of legal thought. His judicial philosophy is that of a conservative ideologue who has consistently ruled against individuals in favor of large entities, including on issues affecting women, workers, the environment, people with disabilities, and employment discrimination. Time and again, Judge Gorsuch has twisted the law to favor corporate interests despite the harm done to workers and their families.

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  • U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.)
  • Wade Henderson, president and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
  • Nan Aron, president, Alliance for Justice Action Campaign
  • Michael Keegan, president and CEO, People For the American Way
  • Kimberly McIntosh, Library Paraprofessional, Blue Springs, Missouri
  • Cameron Blair Hoxie, M.Ed., Erie, Colorado 

Other Senators TBD

WHEN: Tomorrow, March 21, at 12:30 pm EDT

WHERE: 902 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. RSVP requested to [email protected].