The Leadership Conference Supports the Right to IVF Act

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Dear Senator,

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of more than 240 national organizations committed to promoting and protecting the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States, urges you to support S. 4445, the Right to IVF Act, when the bill reaches the Senate floor.

Post-Dobbs, access to reproductive health care has faced an onslaught of attacks. Even access to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is under threat. Efforts to limit access to IVF and family planning technology represent yet another attempt to unnecessarily burden or prevent people from accessing reproductive health care and interfere with private health decisions that should remain between a person and their medical provider. These efforts will disproportionately harm those who already face difficulties accessing and affording reproductive health care, including LGBTQI+ people, many of whom rely on this technology to start their own families.

S.4445 protects the right to access IVF and other assisted reproductive technology that millions of people rely on to have children. This legislation would establish a legal right to IVF and other assisted reproductive services, overriding any state effort to unnecessarily limit or ban access.

Please help protect the essential right to access IVF treatment. The Leadership Conference intends to include your position on S. 4445 in our voting record for the 118th Congress.

Please reach out to Peggy Ramin, senior policy counsel, at [email protected] with any questions.


Jesselyn McCurdy
Executive Vice President for Government Affairs