LCCR Disappointed in Committee Vote, Applauds Senators Who Took a Stand Against Roberts’ Nomination

Media 09.22,05

We applaud the five judiciary members who voted their conscience and took a principled position in opposition to the nomination of John Roberts to be Chief Justice of the United States. However, we are profoundly disappointed that the committee, as a whole, ignored compelling evidence against his nomination.

John Roberts’ decision to duck key questions and his refusal to distance himself from the disturbing stances he took on civil rights, voting rights, and women’s rights while a political appointee in the Reagan administration should be enough for senators to vote no on his nomination.

Roberts’ failure to repudiate his narrow view of civil rights enforcement is exacerbated by the White House’s withholding of key documents and their take-no-prisoners strategy of evasion and non-responsiveness. These actions show a complete disregard for the Senate confirmation process.

Senators who voted for John Roberts may one day regret their vote. Let us hope that they consider the broad implications for the rights and freedoms of all Americans when they are face to face with President Bush’s next Supreme Court nominee.

Now that Roberts’ nomination has been reported out of committee, we strongly urge senators to vote their conscience and reject his nomination when it reaches the floor. The stakes are too high and the consequences too great to gamble.”

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The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most diverse civil and human rights coalition.