The Leadership Conference Applauds President’s Appointments to the Civil Rights Commission

Media 01.28,11

Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued the following statement regarding the appointments of Roberta Achtenberg and Marty Castro to the United States Commission on Civil Rights:

“President Obama has chosen two eminently qualified individuals to serve on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Roberta. Achtenberg has been a long-time civil rights champion, working at the federal, state and local levels to promote fair housing, education, and economic opportunity. She has also worked in the private and non-profit sectors, and co-founded the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Marty Castro’s experience as Chair of Illinois’ Human Rights Commission and his work on behalf of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), a member of The Leadership Conference, will also be a welcome addition to the Commission.

While we have great confidence in these new Commission members, additional steps must be taken to restore the Commission to its former status as “the conscience of the nation” in helping to protect and secure the civil and human rights of every person in the U.S. In a 2009 report, The Leadership Conference recommended several reforms to the Commission that have yet to be implemented, including the addition of sexual orientation and gender identity to its mandate, changes to the appointment of commissioners to avoid the subversion of its mission, greater coordination with local civil and human rights commissions, and the acknowledgment that the Commission should have a human rights dimension in addition to a focus on civil rights.

We urge Congress and the Obama administration to consider these reforms as soon as possible.”