Time to Succeed Coalition Launches

Education News 05.10,12

More than 100 national leaders have launched the Time to Succeed Coalition (TSC), a diverse coalition of Americans working to ensure that all children in the nation’s high-poverty communities have the time they need to succeed in school and beyond.

TSC’s mission is to inspire and motivate communities across the country to add more time to a redesigned school day and year, giving teachers the time they need to do their jobs, and helping disadvantaged students get the education they need to succeed.

Expanded learning time is an approach that has gained traction in many cities nationwide—including Chicago, Boston, Houston, Charlotte, Denver, New York City, and Newark.

A number of Leadership Conference members have joined president and CEO Wade Henderson as founding members of the coalition.  They include Marc Morial of the National Urban League, Janet Murguia of the National Council of La Raza, Ben Jealous of the NAACP, Tom Saenz of MALDEF, Mark Periello of AAPD, and Randi Weingarten and Dennis Van Roekel, the heads of American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. TSC is co-chaired by Chris Gabrieli, Chairman of the National Center on Time & Learning, and Luis A. Ubiñas, President of the Ford Foundation.

Click here to see the full list of the TSC signatories.