Leadership Conference Opposes Intended Nomination of Mark Green
The Leadership Conference on Thursday called on Senate Armed Services Committee Chair John McCain, R. Ariz., and Ranking Member Jack Reed, D. R.I., to reject Mark Green, who President Trump intends to nominate as Secretary of the Army.
“One of the strengths of our military is its diversity. Our service secretaries must stand for all of the brave men and women who serve,” said Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference, in a statement. “There is no place for bigotry in the U.S. Army, and Green’s previous comments disqualify him from leadership.”
In its letter to McCain and Reed, The Leadership Conference said it “believes that federal departments must be led by individuals who have tolerance and respect for the diversity of employees whom they employ. Those who sacrifice for our country through military service deserve to have leadership that is worthy of that sacrifice. Mr. Green would not be such a leader.”
Green, a state senator in Tennessee, has supported legislation and policies that would harm LGBTQ people, Muslims, immigrants, and women, and is opposed by a number of organizations that represent marginalized communities.
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ civil rights organization, last month called Green a “danger to every LGBTQ soldier bravely serving our country.” Muslim Advocates this week added their opposition, saying “You can’t lead a diverse army while having contempt for diversity. Our armed forces are filled with patriotic Americans of all faiths, races, sexual orientations and gender identities, and Mark Green’s naked bigotry disqualifies him for the job of Army Secretary.”
Ten retired military officers today voiced their opposition in a statement, urging Trump to immediately withdraw consideration of Green.
Read The Leadership Conference’s full letter here.