1987 Humphrey Award Recipients

Media 05.30.17

Herbert L. Block

Herbert L. Block

Political cartoonist Block, known as “Herblock,” began his career in the 1920s, He coined the term “McCarthyism” to describe the tactics of anti-Communist senator Joe McCarthy. Herblock’s cartoons lampooned every US president from Herbert Hoover to George W Bush, chronicling the great issues of his time, including the Great Depression, the rise of Hitler, the Cold War, and the civil rights movement.

Wiley Branton

Wiley Branton

A prominent attorney and noted civil rights activist, Branton was a strong advocate of voting rights for all Americans; he achieved national prominence when he served as chief counsel for the plaintiffs in the 1957 Little Rock desegregation case.

James Farmer

James Farmer

Founder of CORE, Farmer was a dedicated leader in the use of nonviolent direct action. Farmer participated in the 1961 Freedom Rides, and was one of the sponsors of the 1963 civil-rights march on Washington.