1987 Humphrey Award Recipients
Herbert L. Block

Political cartoonist Block, known as “Herblock,” began his career in the 1920s, He coined the term “McCarthyism” to describe the tactics of anti-Communist senator Joe McCarthy. Herblock’s cartoons lampooned every US president from Herbert Hoover to George W Bush, chronicling the great issues of his time, including the Great Depression, the rise of Hitler, the Cold War, and the civil rights movement.
Wiley Branton

A prominent attorney and noted civil rights activist, Branton was a strong advocate of voting rights for all Americans; he achieved national prominence when he served as chief counsel for the plaintiffs in the 1957 Little Rock desegregation case.
James Farmer

Founder of CORE, Farmer was a dedicated leader in the use of nonviolent direct action. Farmer participated in the 1961 Freedom Rides, and was one of the sponsors of the 1963 civil-rights march on Washington.