1988 Humphrey Award Recipients

Media 05.30.17

Ellen Goodman

Ellen Goodman

Goodman’s writing has sensed emerging shifts in our public and private lives, altered perceptions of confounding issues, commented on the tumult of social change and its impact on families, and shattered the mold of men writing exclusively about politics. Goodman’s first job was at Newsweek as a researcher, at a time when only men became writers.

Honorable Edward M. Kennedy

Honorable Edward M. Kennedy

Kennedy has fought for issues that benefit the citizens of Massachusetts and the nation, especially in his fight to bring quality health care to every American. In addition, Kennedy is active on education reform, raising the minimum wage, defending the rights of workers and their families, strengthening the civil rights laws, assisting individuals with disabilities, fighting for cleaner water and cleaner air, and protecting and strengthening Social Security and Medicare for senior citizens.