Audio Available: Media Call with Environmental, Civil Rights Advocates on Oldham
Contact: Laurie Kinney, [email protected]
(202) 464-7367/cell (571) 882-3615
WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, May 16, at 11 am Eastern, leaders of national environmental and civil rights advocacy organizations held a press call to brief reporters on the anti-environment, anti-civil rights record of Andrew Oldham, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Oldham currently serves as general counsel to Texas Governor Greg Abbott. During his career, Oldham repeatedly helped Texas join then-Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt in suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and undermining efforts to address climate change. Oldham has questioned the legitimacy of the EPA and government efforts to protect environmental health and safety, and has fought reproductive rights and voting rights. A vote on Oldham in the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected on Thursday, May 17.
A link to audio of the call is available here.
Speakers on the call:
Tiernan Sittenfeld, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, League of Conservation Voters. The League of Conservation Voters is planning a digital campaign opposing the confirmation of Oldham on the basis of his anti-environment record. LCV has submitted a letter of opposition to Oldham’s confirmation, available here.
Joanne Spalding, Chief Climate Counsel, The Sierra Club. The Sierra Club is taking a leadership role in opposing the destructive policies of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Sierra Club’s letter of opposition to Oldham is here.
Kristine Lucius, executive vice president for policy, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. The Leadership Conference, on behalf of its more than 200 members, has submitted a letter of opposition to Oldham’s confirmation, available here.
Nan Aron, President, Alliance for Justice. Alliance for Justice has released a comprehensive research report on Oldham’s record, available here.