Holte is Unqualified to Serve as a Federal Judge

Courts News 06.10.19

Contact: Rafael Medina, [email protected], 202.869.0390

WASHINGTON – Kristine Lucius, executive vice president for policy and government affairs at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued the following statement on the confirmation of Ryan Holte to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims:

“Holte fits the mold of far too many Trump judicial nominees: a young, conservative operative with little experience. He has not tried a single case, argued one motion in court, or even served as counsel of record on any matter before the court to which he was nominated. He is unqualified to serve as a judge on the Court of Federal Claims; yet, this young ideologue has just been confirmed to this court. The Senate has abdicated its constitutional duty to serve as an effective check on the executive branch, putting in peril many of the basic and hard-fought civil rights that we enjoy. Their decision to rush the confirmations of unqualified judicial nominees who are unfit for the job is eroding our democracy.”

Read The Leadership Conference’s op-ed calling on the Senate to reject Holte and other unqualified and extreme Trump judicial nominees.

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition charged by its diverse membership of more than 200 national organizations to promote and protect the rights of all persons in the United States. The Leadership Conference works toward an America as good as its ideals. For more information on The Leadership Conference and its member organizations, visit www.civilrights.org.