Build Back Better Framework is a Big Deal for America’s Families

Contact: Stephen Peters, [email protected], 202.466.1887

WASHINGTONWade Henderson, interim president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, released the following statement regarding the “Build Back Better” framework announced this morning by President Biden:

“President Biden’s newly announced ‘Build Back Better’ framework is a big deal for America’s families. By increasing healthcare access for millions of people living in uncovered states and investing in children and families through pre-school, high quality childcare, care for older adults and people with disabilities, an expanded child tax credit, college and housing affordability, and so many other important efforts, President Biden’s framework advances racial equity and will undoubtedly make a profound difference in so many lives. We will continue to fight for paid family leave and other important priorities that are not included. Congress must do its job and pass legislation to build a stronger, brighter future for this country.” 

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition charged by its diverse membership of more than 230 national organizations to promote and protect the rights of all persons in the United States. The Leadership Conference works toward an America as good as its ideals. For more information on The Leadership Conference and its member organizations, visit
