95. Create competitive grant programs that incentivize partnerships between P-12 systems and higher education institutions.

Partnerships and P-12 Education Systems 09.6.24

Here’s what the federal government can do:

  • Congress should appropriate funding for competitive grant programs that incentivize stronger partnerships between P-12 systems and higher education institutions, such as:
    • High school career and technical education (CTE) programs that are connected to community colleges.
    • Professional development for P-12 educators through courses and programs offered at higher education institutions.
    • Research collaborations to identify effective strategies to support student outcomes in P-12 systems.
    • Programs that address the educator shortage and offer certification programs to increase the number of bilingual educators and educators who provide specialized support for students with disabilities.
    • College recruitment programs at Title I public high schools.
    • Increased access to college advising at public high schools, including within GED programs.

Here’s what state government can do:

  • State legislatures should appropriate funding for competitive grant programs that incentivize stronger partnerships between P-12 systems and higher education institutions, such as:
    • High school career and technical education (CTE) programs that open pathways for associate degrees.
    • Professional development for P-12 educators through courses and programs offered at higher education institutions.
    • Research collaborations to identify effective strategies to support student outcomes in P-12 systems.
    • Programs that address the educator shortage and offer certification programs to increase the number of bilingual educators and educators who provide specialized support for students with disabilities.
    • College recruitment programs at Title I public high schools.
    • Increased access to college advising at public high schools, including within GED programs.

Both P-12 systems and higher education institutions should be encouraged to collaborate and create programs that drive stronger partnerships. Federal and state policymakers can work together to design competitive grant programs that strengthen these partnerships and support students through more robust transitions from P-12 education to college and career.