How States Are — and Are Not — Working to Improve Race and Ethnicity Data Collection
New report identifies which states go beyond federal standards.
Children and Families Are Depending on Lawmakers to Expand the Child Tax Credit
An expanded CTC would significantly reduce the poverty gap for families of color.
Laying the Groundwork for the 2030 Census Starts Now
Here's how we're working for a fair and accurate 2030 Census.
Disaggregation Nation! Convening our Community of Data Equity Advocates
We're working to improve data quality and accessibility to better understand disparities and achieve racial equity.
An Overview of the First 150 Lifetime Judges Confirmed During the Biden Administration
Our work to build an equal justice judiciary continues.
Accurate Collection of Disaggregated Data Is Critical to Illuminate the Diversity of the Latino Community
Here's what we need from OMB, the Census Bureau, and other government agencies.