68. Celebrate cultural and identity-based college graduations for students of color.[i]
Here’s what institutional leaders can do:
- Higher education institutions should fund and host cultural and identity-based college graduations.
Cultural and identity-based college graduations celebrate the educational journey of students of color and their families by providing a platform for them to honor their heritage and traditions. These ceremonies foster a sense of belonging and inclusion and acknowledge their diverse experiences and contributions within the campus communities.
[i]As described in the note provided in the introduction of this resource, DEIA programs and race-conscious policies generally vary in their terms and scope; most programs and services, as well as the recommendations offered in this document, are lawful under federal statutory and constitutional laws. Readers are encouraged to consult with their attorneys for legal advice to understand the rights and obligations of students, faculty, administrators, and greater society. Additional information about the ongoing legality of developing curricula and engaging in activities that promote racially inclusive academic communities can be found in the Race and School Programming guidance published by the Office for Civil Rights on August 24, 2023 and available at https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-20230824.pdf.