88. Increase access to high-quality dual enrollment programs.

Partnerships and P-12 Education Systems 09.6.24

Here’s what the federal government can do:

  • Congress should appropriate funding for programs that address barriers to enrollment and improve student outcomes in dual enrollment programs.
  • The U.S. Department of Education should collect, conduct, and disseminate research on the availability of and participation in high-quality dual enrollment.
  • The U.S. Department of Education should provide guidance to states and local education agencies (LEAs) to ensure that students of color, English learners, students with disabilities, and students from families with lower incomes have access to dual enrollment programs.

Here’s what state government can do:

  • State legislatures should fund programs that address barriers to enrollment and improve student outcomes in dual enrollment.
  • State legislatures should require and support districts to expand eligibility for dual enrollment.

Here’s what institutional leaders can do:

  • P-12 systems and higher education institutions should collect, conduct, and disseminate data on student participation and outcomes in dual enrollment. Data should be used to evaluate the effectiveness of dual enrollment programs.
  • P-12 systems should:
    • Offer greater dual enrollment options.
    • Implement open enrollment and universal screening for dual enrollment.
    • Purchase curriculum and materials for dual enrollment courses.
    • Cover course and exam fees for students from families with lower incomes.
    • Offer greater access to tutoring for students from families with lower incomes.
    • Increase the hiring of educators to teach advanced courses.

School districts and higher education institutions should also publicly report data on student participation and outcomes, along with evaluating their dual enrollment programs.

High-quality dual enrollment programs offer the same level of rigor as classes taught to college students at two- and four-year higher education institutions, where instructors meet the same expectations and receive appropriate support. Research shows that dual enrollment programs have a positive impact on the college attainment of students with lower incomes.[i]

[i] An, Brian. “The Impact of Dual Enrollment on College Degree Attainment: Do Low-SES Students Benefit?https://www.issuelab.org/resources/15260/15260.pdf.