Leadership Conference Letter Opposing H.R. 7343 (Mandatory Immigration Detention)

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Oppose H.R. 7343

May 14, 2024

Dear Representative:

On behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of more than 240 national civil and human rights advocacy organizations, I urge you to oppose H.R. 7343, the “Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act.” Giving the bill an emotionally loaded title does not change the fact that the bill’s provisions would eviscerate due process.

H.R. 7343 would subject immigrants to mandatory detention if they have been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of assaulting a police officer. Our immigration laws already impose mandatory detention of immigrants convicted of a wide range of offenses, including most violent crimes. H.R. 7343, however, would require the mandatory, indefinite jailing of an immigrant who has merely been arrested for or charged with assault. Furthermore, because the bill relies on various state law definitions of what constitutes assault, in some states, the bill would require the jailing of individuals accused of offenses that did not even involve physical contact.

Mandatory detention on the basis of a mere arrest is unprecedented. It would make it far more difficult, if not impossible, for defendants to defend themselves against charges (if charges are even pursued). And it would invite abuses that almost certainly would disproportionately impact people of color.

For these reasons, I urge you to vote against H.R. 7343. The Leadership Conference intends to include your position on H.R. 7343 in our voting record for the 118th Congress. If you have any questions, please contact Senior Counsel Rob Randhava at [email protected].


Jesselyn McCurdy
Executive Vice President of Government Affairs