2002 Humphrey H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award Dinner

Media 05.30.17

Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award Recipients

LCCR Executive Director Wade Henderson, Rabbi David Saperstein, Elizabeth Birch, and Danny Glover.

This year’s Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award Dinner, held on May 8, 2002, marks the 25th anniversary of the civil rights community’s most prestigious award.

LCCR honors outstanding individuals whose “selfless and devoted service in the cause of equality “best exemplifies the spirit of Hubert H. Humphrey, Vice-President, Senator and outspoken civil rights pioneer. Receiving the award this year were Danny Glover, Elizabeth Birch and Rabbi David Saperstein.

More About the 2002 Dinner

Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award Dinner May 8, 2002

Danny Glover

Danny Glover

Acclaimed human rights and civil rights activist and actor; Good Will Ambassador to the United Nations Development Program; as Board Chair of the Transafrica Forum, Mr. Glover has been an outspoken advocate for human rights; his tireless efforts have brought awareness to the plight of the under-represented and disenfranchised on national and international fronts, and offered hope to victims of injustice through a strong and steadfast message of civil rights advocacy.

Elizabeth Birch

Elizabeth Birch

As Executive Director of the Human Rights Campaign, Ms. Birch has been a leading advocate for gay and lesbian rights; her legal counsel and leadership skills on an array of civil rights issues have called our society to community change, justice in the workplace, equal opportunity and mutual respect; she is renowned throughout the civil rights community for her insights on the integral roles of advocacy, education and organizational unity in forming national policy to advance civil rights.

David Saperstein

David Saperstein

Representative of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; in appointing him the first Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, the United States Congress affirmed Rabbi Saperstein’s key role as a respected leader on issues of religious freedom and social justice; he is known throughout the civil rights community for his non-stop advocacy efforts and his dedication to coalition building to further the cause of equal justice and equal opportunity.